Sunday, May 31, 2009
just wanna type.. of the east hp. itx so cool. those hu watched e anime shld noe wat i mean. >< n they r producing a real phone similar to it!!~
i wan a PA like "Juiz" tt can complete any task=D
Noblesse Oblige, may you continue being a saviour. LOL.
anyway, sometimes i was thinking.. itx hard being an otaku link to understand wat i mean^^
n 4 those hu watch kdrama, i recommand "
Shining Inheritance" to u. itx really a great 1, i mean i dun really blog bout kdrama right???
n im so gettin into 2p.m nowadayx ><... again n again n again.. they rox=D im watching their idol show currently!!~ so much to watch!!!~
n "mr. brain" by Kimura Takuya is a great drama jus started recently =D.. LOL.. i really dunno watx the main point of this post..
Labels: eden of the east, kdrama
Ms. Fangal ended @ 11:28 PM
Friday, May 29, 2009
qian goes nagging..
i received my SIM letter ytd. it seems like i will get in to the jan intake next yr =D itx a right choice to apply 1st =DDD
n Atashinchi no Danshi is turning me on more n more nw >< they kissed @ e end of e eps.. LOL. i tink maki goes well with him the mox out of e 6 brox. mr. brain jus started n they sort of break the record 4 this season. is it cox of Kimura Takuya? hu noex? but i have to agree this is a gd drama, at least 4 eps 1.. im waiting!!~
quoted "ppl use left brain to look @ others. therefore they tend to focus more on the left side of the face which makes it more impt 4 a nice make-up on ur left face" LOL.

Credits to gits_sac from SGCollect.
arent these FMA stuffx too cool? i wan!!~
Labels: FMA
Ms. Fangal ended @ 3:09 PM
Sunday, May 24, 2009
new experience~
fri cg was fun. we shld have more of sharing rather than owayx listening to alvin preach. it can train up our understanding of e words^^ bs these few wks were fun too. we get to pray 4 ppl who we do nt know, really seeking God 4 the things to pray 4 e person..
n i have to try to remind myself to look on e bright side of life. sometimes, when things get difficult i tend to think of my more fortunate frenx n compare my situation with them. n i owayx 4gt there r ppl ard with worst situation. i have to sing myself the song "owayx look @ e bright side of life" more often..
n tdy there's passion run, itx the 1st time 4 me to attend a marathon ^^ it was real fun, esp when u get to overtake alot of ppl =X im planning to join the coming "safra bay run", or more commonly known as "half army marathon". 10km^^ i wanna to have a more fun-filled lifestyle^^ below r some pic of me + jas @ passion run.

me n jas after e run

myself after e run

*pic stolen frm jas blog =X her pic is clearer*
e medal, for completing.. itx only 5km this time, i will head for 10km for safra run!
Ms. Fangal ended @ 7:59 PM
Monday, May 18, 2009
cartoon kat-tun cool when u c ur idol visiting someplace u had been to b4.
but y didnt they visit it last yr during march.. then i might have a chance to c them upclose >< n watx the food tt they bought back 4 other members? it lookx like dorayaki n taiyaki, n watx more, it lookx yummy ><. i love taiyaki!!! y didnt i c this when i was there? n is tt udon really nice? i tried it b4 n i tot it was jus normal.. LOL, or r they practically jus saying everything is nice =X. aww... itx so pretty there during cherry blossom season. it makes me wanna go there again.. hoping to go again next yr.. hope so.. but i have sch fee to pay 4!!!
these few days i have been thinking.. i think itx time 4 me to re-plan my spending nw. nd pay sch fee, jpnese class, bills, gv parents, medicial.. im left with almost nothing 4 myself every mth. too many things to pay, too little income. itx time to get everything back.
n i had been thinking of doing more things than wat im doing currently. somehw, im getting less n less active nw.. i have alot to learn, alot to try. but im lack of frenx to do those with me!!! any frenx wanna try something new other than the usual movie, karaoke? let me noe=D im open to all~
n to my ex-company, i had filed a complain to MOM. it's unreasonable in all sense to delay my pay. i m nt a patience person when it comes to pay, so get ready.
Ms. Fangal ended @ 9:16 AM
Sunday, May 10, 2009
tdy is mother's day. bought some simple stuffx to share. im on budget so itx nt wow stuffx. but still yummy^^ i had observe this new bakery shop near my place 4 quite sometime, n they seem to b carrying yummy desserts=D so i bought some tdy.

Durian Crepe, mousse and strawberry mousse. all r real yummy n the price range is only ard $1.30-$2.80 each. hu say cheap stuffx cant b good?
Ms. Fangal ended @ 11:13 PM
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
wat i have been out to..
started work in new company 4 a wk +. love the environment tot e work location is rather far. but e pay is kinda low. i'll jus gain some experience frm here.
so-call welcome lunch?

yummy ichiban. i had owayx love ichiban. they r 1 of those local 1s i prefer in regardx to jpnese food.
we were @ great world n the toliet kinda impressed me.

n yes, i tried this a few wks ago since they r having promo, $3 for 3 scoop. i ordered milk tea, macha n bubble vanilla. the bubble vanilla is great=D

n i was @ tcc to settle some work stuffx. nt wanting to order coffee range, i choose 1 of e new drinks "Berry Oreo".. yummy, i really love e bubbly, milky berry taste with small bitex of oreo^^

n i spotted otaku stuffx in OG.. i wasnt expecting it..
Ms. Fangal ended @ 11:48 PM