Monday, October 20, 2008
new season~ (autumn jdrama/ anime)
new season means gt new anime + drama.. so therex alot to watch now. while im @ hm undergoing treatment, i managed 2 watch mox of them.
4 synopsis 4 any of the drama below, pls refer to
dramawikiCeleb to Binbo Taro is casted by aya ueto, ttx y i watch it^^ well, i like all her costumex in the drama. shex a top designer so her clothes r really ^^ + shex nt those rich gal which every1 hate, she jus dunno how the real world is like, until her "driver" starts to teach her more...
will cont with ths drama, cox i will feel ^^ jus with aya clothings + her company. nice design 4 her company logo + interior^^
Ryusei no Kizuna, i tink every1 will watch, cox gt all the big cast. Ninomiya Kazunari, Nishikido Ryo n Toda Erika, all the eye-candies^^
story is still quite light-hearted 4 the 1st eps. LOL. or shld i say very light-hearted. they con $ frm a guy frm e host club. damn LOL, the way they con very LOL. mux watch^^
Bloody Monday tt time i saw it i said itx otaku drama. cox gt hacker + terrorist. anyway e synopsis attracted me. 1st eps is almost 2hr long. bout a terrorist grp destroying 1 town/city in russia in jus 1day n make known tt their next target is tokyo. therefore, police knowing ths, employed a hacker (hu is a son of 1 of the police officers) to help them. so ths guy started to help them + due to his help, his sis n those ard him begun to b endangered by terrorist. meanwhile, the virus is starting to spread slowly..
nice. i love this kinda drama/ anime/ movie.. u c how e hacker hack the system u will go "wat?" + i love story where ppl slowly get killed. like death note, battle royale, all very nice, action-pack. cox this kinda drama usually consist genius hu is behind the game (the 1 trying to kill) n genius hu is solving the game (e 1 to find the killer). n i alwayx get impress with hw the genius works. so this kinda drama to me is MUST WATCH!
Scrap Teacher. finally a twist. instead of 1 teacher changing a class of students, nw become a grp of students changing their useless teachers in sch. ths grp of students enrol themselves in a sch ttx closing down soon. due to tt reason, all the teachers in the sch couldnt bother to do anything. so this grp of students start with their form teacher, telling him hw useless he is to provoke him. so they succeed (sort of) n the teacher starts to fight 4 his students. nt a wow plot, cox therex too many sch story nw tt itx no longer attractive to me, but i'll watch, since itx a gd twist^^
still waiting 4 Innocent Love n Giragira..
personally my fav is bloody monday. as i had said, i love tt genre^^
nw to anime...
list of watched/ going-to-watch:
Chaos Head
i still dunno watx goin on with chaos head. prob itx a story bout this guy hu have a chaos brain. keep imaging things. thinking his classmates r there to harm him. tinking his fav anime character really exist. tinking some1 sent him photos of crime when he might b the 1 hux sending to himself. but cox everything is ? nw, it makes me wanna chase the anime. wanna find out if hex e 1 thinking too much or ppl ard him r trying to harm him..
Hakushoku to Yousei (Earl and Fairy)
o, this anime i tink itx 4 galx.. cox gt alot of pretty guyx to look @. gd 4 the eyes^^
Skip Beat!
skip beat is a top shoujo manga bout a gal trying to enter the entertainment world to beat her childhood fren after finding out tt he was making use of her. i didnt read the manga even tot frenx keep recommanding me, cox i dun like the art style. but the anime version looks fine to me. who noex? i might get too attracted to the story n goes off to buy e whole set of manga.
Vampire Knight Guilty
hu can resist yandaox^^ i tink all the galx hu watch anime ard me all watch ths. too many yandao to resist. (even tot they r make-up chara)
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Second Season
gundam series has owayx been my fav. so itx love~ war, war n more war!
bout a world with "demon" n a special grp of ppl hu can c n destroy them. unlike usual anime when they start with low-level demon n then higher lvl ltr on. this starts with high level demon tt kill all of them right @ the beginning. itx reveal ltr tt the gal hu killed them used to b their frenx..
Macademi Wasshoi!
cutie magic anime.
To Aru Majutsu no Index
bout ths God hu emerge frm a tree trunk craving of a godly tree. sch story?
Shugo Chara!! Dokki
actually the story jus continue. so i dun quite understand y they nd a new season..
i nv watch clannad b4. cox itx like an anime 4 geeks, since itx filled with loli-chara. but i decided to try it out.. n surprisingly, it attractx me. gt 1 guy very LOL, keep shooting ppl.
Tales of the Abyss
frm rpg game. guess u all shld noe roughly hw e story will b right?
Shikkabane Hime
bout ths gal hux dead + have the power to kill other undead.
bout this rich boy who has a talented butler? hu can do almost everything. but wat attract me mox was hw the rich boy spend his time.. big house, french breakfast, high-grade tea + teatime.. ah.. hw nice^^
Akane iro ni someru saka
bout ths guy saving ths gal frm bullies, ltr found out tt they have an arranged marriage. random.
Fist of the North Star: Raou Gaiden
bout 1 lame guy who owayx get bullied n nd his fren to protect him all the time. sick of it, 1 day, he obtain a power + starts to get all mighty..
Yozakura Quartet
itx a city where normal ppl + ppl who has supernatural power co-exist. so this grp of ppl helps to take control of any outbreak in tt city..
Rosario & Vampire CAPU 2
havent watch cox havent finish 1st season. but will watch..
bout this guy hu like a gal + ths gal hu like a guy. the whole sch tend to b afraid of them due to their look/ behavior, althought they r nice^^ this guy like ths gal's fren. the gal like the guy's fren, so they help eachother out, a LOL story la.
personal recommandation 4 those non-otaku watching selective animes r:
chaos head- makes u wanna find out wat is actually happening ard. everything is unsolve nw n things jus get more complicated.
Earl and Fairy- as i had said, 4 galx^^ eye-candies~
Skip Beat!- 4 galx too, shoujo story. but it has a very gd plot..
Vampire Knight Guilty- i noe some guyx hu watch ths too. i mean itx a story bout vampire, so y nt? + therex hidden story between all the chara.. interesting 2 c hw they dun believe eachother in their heart when they act like nothing is goin on outside^^
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Second Season- gundam fans have to follow ths. i'll have to say they continue really well frm season 1.
CLANNAD AFTER STORY- i like tt guy's attitude, like me. LOL.
Kuroshitsuji- the story lookx dark, but they portray it in a light-hearted way. tink the butler + owner dun trust eachother.
Labels: anime, jdrama
Ms. Fangal ended @ 8:17 AM
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
yishan'x bday
mon after work go meet maurice buy yishan'x prezzie.
but gt ppl very cheapo, LOL.
so we bought a necklace 4 her^^
went down braddell meet otherx aftertt.
saw maurice bmt spec.. i wanna get a new spec so decided to try out his.

lookx gd leh.. like nerd, i like
ate botak jones's cajun chicken. nice^^ 4gt to take pic. but i nv finish-.-|||
+ i saw this:

LOL. "If you've only touched your food (less than 1/4) we will.. refund your $"
LOL. if some emo ppl wan emo, everyday go there choose any set. eat less than 1/4 then go complain. then gt free food + no nd pay liao.
so they took alot of pic b4 they cut the cake.
+ the ppl who went~

the guyx with the bday gal

the galx
lastly, ths couple damn LOL. they ate pizza n wanna cross hands to eat. like "jiao bei jiu" liddat. then we as very gd frenx all take camera up ready to take liao. then they saw our camera up, started blocking like wanna block paparazzi liddat.
Ms. Fangal ended @ 3:08 PM