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lovex super junior, 2pm n big bang.
tinkx super show 2 malaysia rox.
wanx g-dragon apple.
is gonna marry enuhyuk =P
super show 3
canon digi cam

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008
lucky star nendroid vol. 2 set

i bought this long long ago.. but im so lazy to blog..



kawaii desu~

i shld stop blogging more bout anime n drama.. LOL.


Ms. Fangal ended @ 3:17 PM

Monday, August 18, 2008
sm concert

photos credit to sapphirebluelove @ wordpress

yaya.. i noe i had been questioning alot whether i shld go SM concert or suju concert. i had sort of conclude tt i'll wait 4 suju concert. but ths fangal spirit inside of me tends to awake when she c "wow" stuffx.. LOL.

sm concert in korea had jus ended last wk + all the fancams n photos "wow" me. chul with new hairstyle.

my lovely oppa, eunhyuk^^ whole grp of SM family^^ the grace, shinee, snds, super junior, dbsk n boa. hehe.. anymore u can expect?

the fancam i watched, most have alot of fangal screaming.. LOL, yes, ttx the way!

hyuksu performed one love ><

eunhyuk is my fav suju member + junsu is my fav dbsk member. + since they r childhood frenx, when they comes 2gther 2 perform.. itx OMG 4 me.

OMG OMG!! dbsk came out with sch uniform + it has the dbsk badge.. if they ever produce tt to sell, all the fangal will go i wan! i wan!.. i wan too ><

n all the dbsk guyx like to show their naked top half to us.. no wonder all the gals so crazy.. LOL.. cox i wan c too =X

+ when a grp of gd frenx get 2gether 4 a concert, it becomes a crazy party^^ do watch their individual dance battle^^ i love to c ppl dance^^

n.. i havent collect my lucky star konata winter uniform figma.. but doesnt this looks gd? actually i wanted to gv up on my order 4 tsukasa n kagami. cox the feedback 4 sm concert is so gd.. makes me really wanna go ><, so i shld try to save up abit. but wat if i regret ltr?

credit to otaku-aiko @ photobucket


Ms. Fangal ended @ 3:21 PM

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Bokura ga Ita

Bokura ga Ita
Originally uploaded by natsuk0
Bokura ga Ita is a shōjo manga, meaning girl comic ttx still running.. cox had been sick this whole wk.. so went to read up this manga.

more infor frm wiki

this is a highly-rated shōjo manga n had won the Shogakukan Manga Award for shōjo in 2005. u can c y i bother to blog bout this manga.

anyway, therex oso an anime for this which follows closely with the manga. except 4 a small part of e last eps... but the anime ends with yano leaving 4 tokyo, meaning itx nt really complete. therefore every1 is tinking there might b a sequel ltr.

hmm.. 1 of the best shōjo manga i had read so far. i can c y they r doing so well in sales. anyway, itx different frm other shōjo mainly cox they focus more on emotional issues.

the storyline is great with lotx of hidden events keep popping out, causing u to look out 4 more in the next vol^^. story summary, wiki do provide a rather gd + updated summary, so jus refer to the link up^. it deals alot with emotions, with yano wanting to erase/ 4gt the past hurts. n nt wanting to hurt nana, he hides his past frm her. but as nana began to find out more bout his past, she began to b fearful of their relationship + wan yano to b true to her bout his past. so therex alot of hurts, separation, but as the story goes on we can c tt they trust eachother alot=D unlike usual shōjo manga plot whereby a normal girl caught the eyes of a prince + they start dating eachother. this manga deals alot with reality. lifex nt perfect? wat 2 say? a normal gal falls in love with a pop guy in sch (ya, usual plot) but as she's with him, she began to find out his hidden past. family issue tt caused yano to go to tokyo with his mum + ltr breaking connection with nana + all his frenx. lotx of real-life issues tt can b happening to ppl ard.

then the story goes 4yrs ltr, said to b e "2nd season", nana in her last yr of degree, found a job + met aki, a fren of yano frm tokyo. aki happened to meet yano after so many yrs + told nana to meet him. nana was fearful to meet him @ 1st but decided to meet him in the end. so the story stops with nana in the airport, seeing a person similar to yano. is tt yano? have to wait 4 the next vol. to b up ><.

sometimes e story makes u rather emo like when yano treats yuri differently, i dun understand wat r guyx thinking sometimes.. haix. dun he think his gf will misunderstood? n to choose another gal out of his gf on an impt day. but frm wat i noe, some guyx really do tt-.-|||

i cant wait 4 the next vol><. with the next vol., we can roughly guess how the story will go. is tt yano? if he is yano, wat will nana say to him? hw will yano reply?

ths story focus alot on chara development showing hw each chara face diff problems, like relationship, $, family. the slow pace + colour used 4 the anime fits the plot well since the story is told more through a "recount" of wat had happened, with the dreamy colour effects, doesnt it add points to the anime? events keep popping up throughout the story therefore 1s u started reading, u jus cant stop.. jus wanna find out watx next. gd plot, worth to read manga + anime^^ if i have to gv rating, prob this will b 1 of the very few animes tt will get 10/10. yes, ttx hw gd it is=D


Ms. Fangal ended @ 10:01 PM

Monday, August 4, 2008
Super Junior Happy - Pajama party mv

fangal post. LOL.

credit to xhisshou @ youtube

n the cutie gif frm their performance><

credit to angelteuk @ soompi


Ms. Fangal ended @ 10:40 PM

Sunday, August 3, 2008
cartoon kat-tun cosplay eps


even if u dun watch cartoon kat-tun, if u r an likely-otaku, u shld watch ths eps.

1 popular otaku brings 2 kat-tun members ard to check out the otaku culture.

the lady damn hyper.. LOL. buybuybuybuy.. she damn rich.

n Akanishi Jin cosplayed as Sephiroth!!! koki cosplayed as dragonball! LOL.

n ths is 4 all the fangals like me.. LOL.

credits to haewonnie @ youtube

OMG.. look @ their costume!!~ enuhyuk's hair^^ sungmin's bunny, eeteuk's sling bag + shindong.. hehe.. his clothings seems to fit him perfectly^^.

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Ms. Fangal ended @ 10:24 PM

super show

infor frm soompi:

Super Junior's interview at MAA Press Conference-
You've been on the tour the past couple of months for the Super Show. Why isn't Singapore one of your stops?
Leeteuk: Well yeah, we've actually been going to a lot of other places in Asia. We did the first show in Thailand, and we're planning nine more stops. We'd actually have loved to make a stop at Singapore. Why haven't you called us?!

oppa! pls come to s'pore^^ all elves r waiting 4 the 13 of u to be here!!~

+ MAA(MTV Asia Award) shld jus hold in sept. since i goin genting in sept.. then can stalk them.. LOL. i wanna c suju oppa!!~

anyway, congratulationx to super junior 4 being awarded the most popular korea artist in MAA^^ y r they only involved when MAA is held in m'sia!! i mean MAA had been held in s'pore 4 the past few yrs. n this yr when itx held in m'sia, then therex super junior.. T_T


Ms. Fangal ended @ 1:21 AM

Saturday, August 2, 2008
SM concert or super show?

im having a hard time deciding which concert i shld go.

SM concert will b in bangkok, coming nov.

infor. frm DBS
Artist : TVXQ , SUJU , The Grace , SNSD , Li Yin , SHINee
Price of Concert Tix : 4500 (SGD 205)/3500 (SGD 160)/2500 (SGD 114)/1500 (SGD 69)/800 (SGD 37) baht
Fee to send $ to Thailand & Postage from Thai to Sin for con tix: $10 per tix*
Postage Fee within SG : $0.26 (Normal mail) / $2.50 (Registered Mail)

Air Tix: $400 (thai Air) / $ 310 (Swiss Air) / $238 (Air Asia)
Hotel: Dusit BBK Twin Rm : $ 100 Per Person Per Night (DB's rumoured Hotel)

or wait 4 super show in m'sia? details nt out yet but through the interview 4 the coming MTV asia award in m'sia, this is wat eeteuk answered:

infor frm k-popped
Is Super Junior returning to Malaysia for the Super Show concert?
Eeteuk: We will definitely be stopping by Malaysia for this tour and we would like to thank you for welcoming us each time. We would definitely come.

so m'sia is 1 of the stops.. which 1 shld i go? bangkok is more ex but i can c dbsk too!! but to save up 1k b4 nov for a major figurine collector like me is almost impossible.. haix.. is the hobby tt kills.. LOL. m'sia is much cheaper + i have more time to save up>< + since its super junior's concert, i can c them for the full hrs of the concert!!~ everything is gd except therex no dbsk T_T.

some1 help me to decide ><

LOL. this blog is becoming a fangal + anime blog instead of personal blog

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Ms. Fangal ended @ 12:09 PM

Friday, August 1, 2008
rookies n hong gil dong (completed o^^o)

completed 2 dramas ytd. of cox it doesnt mean watching all the eps. on 1 day. but completed the last eps. of both ytd...

the last eps. was a 2hr special^^ great 4 fangal like me=D

i have been giving alot of gd feedbacks on rookies so i guess mox of u shld noe how much i enjoy watching it. but wat makes rookies special 4 me compared to the usual gokusen-like drama with 1 different teacher changing a grp of trouble-makers. or a normal sports drama.. i tink rookies is special cox they film it such tt itx more of an emotional-approach rather than sports/ eye-candy focus. they dun gv u the fairy-tale "happy-ever-after" ending with all the main characters achieving wat they wan, but they dun disappoint u with a sad ending either. i wouldnt say it ends with a "wow" impression on me but i tink it ends well.

i tink the drama is rather under-rated probably cox the casts r not frm the "wow" grp.. like some johnny guyx =X. n due to the 1st impression mox ppl might have, "another gokusen/ sports drama". but its more than tt!

i like how the director shows their friendship 4 eachother n how much they love baseball. the way the director portray it is jus so loved, u can feel it^^.

anyway whatx more is tt therex gonna b a movie in spring 09 for it! OMG!!~ n therex gonna b an SP eps. this fall!!~ so, im nt gonna rate rookies yet. will rate it when the movie's out.

hong gil dong

hong gil dong is a kdrama tt runs for 24eps. itx good @ the start, with LOL parts ard.. but gets too lovey-lovey ltr.

so, gildong likes yinok. yinok likes gildong while changhwi likes yinok. stupid love story. jus watch 4 actions bah. too much lovey-lovey stuff at the back making it really zzzpy. i love the prince.. yandao^^ but he very poor thing, love a gal who doesnt love him..

changhwi + yinok, gildong + yinok didnt have a good impression of eachother @ 1st. but they became really gd frens soon after getting to noe eachother better. the king was corrupted + do nt care bout the ppl. n since changhwi is the prince n had always been told since young tt he is the rightful throat to the king position, he starts to work with gildong to overthrow the current king, hoping to have a better world, a world without any1 suffering. they managed to overthrow him but they turn sour against eachother since the world they wan to create r too different, n they fight eachother in the end. who wins? no spoiler =X

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Ms. Fangal ended @ 10:37 AM