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lovex super junior, 2pm n big bang.
tinkx super show 2 malaysia rox.
wanx g-dragon apple.
is gonna marry enuhyuk =P
super show 3
canon digi cam

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Tuesday, April 29, 2008
cool stuffx

saw ths cutie xiao xin biscuit in the ever-popular daiso.

so tempted to buy.. LOL.. but didnt buy in the end.
$2 for a few pieces of biscuit is a waste of $.. if i ever buy it, itx just cox of xiao xin..

vivo daiso is good >< can get alot good + cheap stuffx.. ppl frm my forum shld go there more often.

anyway, im starting to visit akibanana more n more often.. saw ths.


puchi puchi ><

hehe, actually i wanted to import this frm strapya.. cox i like to puchi too^^
those bubblewrap, i owayx love them ><
but found out tt some1 had aready bought ths in.
shld i puchi?

anyway, bad news.. 4 every akihabara fans.. as in those hu r in 4 animex/ cosplay.


seems like all the cosplayerx, singerx r moving out cox of all the police/ protest nowadayx especially. if we were to say hux to blame.. i tink we have to blame some of the weird cosplayer, hu shows their *** 4 the geeks to take pic.

akihabara is losing their colours nw. sad case.. i hope ths is only a temp.. i havent have the chance to experience it yet!

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Ms. Fangal ended @ 8:35 AM

Monday, April 28, 2008

strapya nv fails to show me amazing stuffx whenever i visit e site.

all the cool stuffx tt r in akihabara.

of cox, there r things tt we didnt c there.. but at least we saw some.


anyway, this is 1 of the cool stuffx.. Air Guitar..

its a guitar without strings.. so all u have to do is move ur hands up n down, as if ur playing the guitar. u dun have to noe the chords.. just move ur hands n the song will play.. cool right?

it will b even better if we can choose the songs we want.

too bad it is OOS.. if nt can import in.

y does all the cool stuffx release when i have no $.. n when i have $, they r all gone?


Ms. Fangal ended @ 12:54 PM


itx getting unhealthy nowadays.. with so many to watch..

well, i manage to catch up a few new jdrama (some nt tt new) ytd.. yes, cox of tt i had a really "early" slp.. i c panda again.

1 Pound Gospel was last season drama. well, finally.. i manage to watch it nw.
to me, i dun tink itx a WOW series.. or probably itx cox im still @ eps1.. i find the story pretty zzzpy.
of cox, im pretty sure u all noe y im watching it.. Kazuya is love ><. anyway, im gonna keep watching it for nw, till probably eps 4 or 5.. if it still doesnt interest me, i'll stop then.

another drama from last season tt i really wan to watch will be Atsu Hime.. havent start watching yet, but i'll definitely watch it ^^.

anyway, to this season eye-candy ><.

watched gokusen 3.. another same old plot. a troublesome class with a unique teacher.. most of the actorx r the same except for the eye-candy class n some teachers. nt a WOW drama again.. but 4 ppl like me hu only bother bout eye-candy, i dun tink i'll mind the same old plot again.

Zettai Kareshi.. yes, i guess my fren would had guess.. this will b 1 tt i'll watch. cool story ya? a hot love robot 4 u?? hmm.. if such thing ever exist in ths world, i'll put this in for "another other requirements" section.

(1) I want someone who can provide me the ability to teleport.. isn't this cool? i can go akihabara anytime to gather cool stuffx ><.

(2) 1 who can provide me with an endless flow of cash (yanlong reminded me of ths point) yes, ths is a very impt point.. no use if i can go akihabara but have no $ in pocket.

(3) I want some1 hu can help to do my work. provide me with the WOW idea..

yes, the list dun stop here.. but these r the main 1s.

+ Mizushima Hiro is love ><.

hmm.. lastly, Hokaben.. havent watch but i'll watch it ><. cox therex aya n kato.. ya, nt a kato supporter, but im a newS supporter!!~

shld i try Last Friends too?

*edited* just watched Hokaben.. well, although i said im nt a kato fan.. but he with the glasses is love ><. story-wise.. probably itx cox is aya.. i find ths similar to Attention Please. probably another story on how aya grows n matured again? Atsu Hime: ahh.. nt 4 me.. eps 1 i almost slept.. better dun continue..


Ms. Fangal ended @ 11:20 AM

Thursday, April 24, 2008
the central

was @ clarke quay ytd. decided to drop by e shop tt sells jpn imported food.. 2 do some market research??.. well, the food there is still quite reasonable priced. 105yen stuffx in jpn is @ $2. 160yen @ $2.50.. i believe itx still reasonable, right?

anyway, ttx nt e main point. main point is, y do i owayx meet frenx when im out late? r they all night cats?

+ had been searching through yahoo jp auction nowadays.. wan get some rare stuffx.. ah.. the more i search, the more things i wan >< my cash is flowing in n out in a fast speed. have to control ><

+ my fren ar.. pls hurry up 2 find out tt wat i said was a joke.

lucky star figma.. wait 4 me~

anyway, to make my post useful. take a look @ http://akibanana.com/?q=node/692

itx a laptop bag tt has this pole as support. so itx said tt user wouldnt have to bare the weight of the laptop. there's a wheel below too to allow easy dragging..

but does it works? i dunno.. unless i get to try it. 9980yen, costs more than my lucky star figurines ><.. i dun tink i'll ever try it..

*edit* just completed "the devil". another korea drama. i like the ending >< yaya, im different =X

Ms. Fangal ended @ 12:53 PM

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

im @ work nw, but i tot i shld post something to make myself happier=D cox i love self-reflection (if this is considered)

well, this mth is a great mth cox 2 of my fav artist bday r on this mth ^^

eunhyuk (4april)/ yamapi (9april)

2 hot guyx >< happy belated bday!!=DDD

anyway, i finished goong s ytd, yes, i noe it had been out 4 quite sometime, but i wasnt interested to watch till last sat.. cox the 1st eps didnt attract me to continue chasing. y? the 1st eps shows kang hoo (later known as lee hoo) delivering noodles ard.. then he was told he's a prince out of nowhere. it just dun attract me to continue. but i decided to gv it a try again, since i really enjoy goong, lucky i did =D

pic frm wiki

goong s

It bout kang hoo/ lee hoo (se7en) living a commoner life till one day, when ppl frm the palace came to fetch him back to palace. his mum had left the shop owner with a message b4 she pass away, tt is to only tell the palace n kang hoo tt he is a prince when he reach a certain age. so then, a commoner starts a new life.

he met his childhood fren, soon ae (a palace maid) in the palace n yes, ttx the usual love part. so everything just goes as what it alwayx has been, soon ae was assigned to serve the 2 prince, kang hoo n joon. yes, out of all places, she's assigned to serve the prince(s). so kang hoo n soon ae relationship gt better n both of them start to feel 4 eachother. but in every kinda drama, there will b more ppl involved. joon (another prince) falls in love with soon ae too, while sae ryung (daugther of prime minister) falls in love with kang hoo as time goes by. n due to the difference btw a royal blood (kang hoo) n a maid servant (soon ae), e queen mother do nt allow this relationship. instead, she push kang hoo to marry sae ryung. bt good thing is our main chara r strong-minded.. n... well, i shld stop here =X (too much spoiler)

anyway, i really like the way the chara start maturing through the story. kang hoo was quite a jerk (is this word too strong?) @ the beginning. y i say this? cox when soon ae help him to get out of the palace cox he said ttx a "life n death" issue, n soon ae helped out, only to find out it was bout a bike, moreover, kang hoo do nt want 2 go back to palace aftertt, but planned to travel ard in his bike 1st. it was when soon ae starts reasoning with him then he decided to go back. u can c kang hoo with the laze-out attitude @ 1st, but he gt really matured ltr on as he encounter with more problems/ through the competition for the crown prince position (he wanted to find out the truth of what happened to his mum in the past, so he nds to get to the position). n the beautiful thing is soon ae is always by his side encouraging him. soon ae is a really responsible n nice lady, always doin her best n helping out others.. hmm, hw can i b some1 liddat? im so lazy to help otherx =X

u can c sae ryung getting better through the story too. as she gets closer with kang hoo n fall 4 him. she started to change, frm some1 who only wants to b the queen to some1 whox willing to help out the 1 she loves, even when she noex hex not with her T_T hmm.. i dun tink i can do tt right?

wat i dun like is joon's environment, hex a real gentleman @ 1st but due to his environment, he started to change. esp when he begin to c tt he might lose kang hoo 4the crown prince position. he start to listen to wat his father told him. but it all ends well, he changed back to hw he was like, when he found out wat his parents did to kang hoo's mum. i dun really like the ending too. althought most love happy ending. but i tink the ending is too happy. the palace had so many problems with ppl trying to overthrow the queen, using underhand methods to achieve what they want n so. the palace became so peaceful suddenly in the end. + every1 achieve what they want.. isn't the ending too fairy tale-like? LOL, or izzit just me hu wants a sad ending?


Ms. Fangal ended @ 9:14 AM

Friday, April 4, 2008

have nt been feeling well these few days. in fact, its so bad tt i dun feel like eating @ all. it hurts alot when i eat.. even drinking hurts.

when will i recover?

Ms. Fangal ended @ 12:29 AM

Wednesday, April 2, 2008
itx good =D

im working in a pri sch in yishun nw.. its a nice place^^ nice ppl, nice location, nice environment^^ frenx hu live ard there, come visit me^^

im enjoying work more nw.. eunhyuk bday is coming, 4spril^^

Ms. Fangal ended @ 7:29 PM